“But if I stop dieting, I will gain weight" - learn why this is a dangerous statement.
Feb 28, 2023
If you’ve dieted before and struggled to maintain your weight loss, this condensed article and quick summary will be food for thought!
You're about to learn why diets are actually making you GAIN weight and what you should be focussing on instead.
“But if I stop dieting, I will gain weight"
When you have a history of dieting, it can be hard to believe that you can let go of the diet cycle and maintain your weight.
Diets are designed to give us a quick fix for weight concerns and in doing so, have deceitfully promised us the world... i.e. it's the diets fault that it didn't work to make you smaller, happier and healthier, not yours!
Eating was never meant to be this difficult and doesn't have to be.
If you are feeling guilty about eating and obsessing over food, it might be time to consider how diets are affecting your relationship with food.
If you feel like your body needs to be controlled and fixed or if it's difficult for you to get out of bed in the morning because you know that you will constantly worrying about your next meal then it may be time for a change!
Your body can reach a stable weight that is comfortable long term, but not using diets.
You might not believe it at first but your body likes to stabilise it's weight, and will do so if you give it the chance. Dieting does not allow your body the chance to do this because your body sees diets as a threat and will try everything to keep you safe from this (self-imposed) threat.
When your body senses that food is scarce (when you restrict calories, avoid foods, not eat enough food to fuel exercise), your body starts slowing your metabolism down to store more energy. Our body thinks it's doing all the right things to take care of us, but unfortunately a slow metabolism and more fat storage is usually not the result we are after.
If you have experienced rapid weight gain after saying 'screw it' to that last diet, this is the reason why. Of course, often we blame ourselves for not being able to stick to the diet and therefore feel like we need to find a another quick solution to get the weight off again, and the cycle continues.
If you let go of dieting and gradually learn to return to eating more intuitively (it can be hard after years of dieting - I can help you with this), your body begins to feel safe again and will reach a relatively stable weight.
Another thing; health is about so many more important things than your weight.
The truth that might be a hard pill to swallow if you have spent years dieting, is that there are no quick fix universal ways to lose weight and keep it off (as much as big dieting companies and unqualified fitness models would like you to believe).
So why not focus on building a healthy relationship with food, your body image, exercise, yourself? All the things that DO contribute to long-term health and wellbeing.
If your goal is to lose weight, then that means that you are focusing on what you do not want and this will actually make it harder for you to achieve your goal. Instead of thinking about what you don't want (e.g., gaining unnecessary weight), focus on what you DO want! For example: I want energy; I want confidence; I want to feel comfortable in my body etc... All of these can be achieved without a diet and without focussing on weight!
Having a strong body that allows you to do what you want to do in life (not one that is constantly fighting against itself in an effort to be small) is wildly underappreciated and underrated.
It's time to dig deep...
For too long you have been conditioned into thinking that thinness equals happiness (and vice versa), when really you could be taking a different route that actually results in happiness.
Take a minute right now to think about how you want food to make you feel. Not just today, but for the rest of your life.
If you've read through this condensed article and have questions or want more help to quit dieting for good, reach out below!